
 挑戰學生閱讀能力的問題 (採自布魯姆學習層次剖析)By Dr Suyi Wang 王淑誼博⼠

Questions that challenge students' reading abilities (taken from Bloom's Taxonomy Levels of Learning )


 1)說出故事中所有人物的名字。 2)寫出故事中的六個事實。 3)故事發生在什麼時候? 4)故事發生在什麼地方? 5)故事中最先出現的人物是誰? 6)故事是怎樣結束的? 7)故事是怎樣描述主人公的長相的? 8)用你在故事中讀到的事實,描述故事發生的場景。 


 1) Name all the characters in the story. 2) Write six facts from the story. 3) When does the story take place? 4) Where does the story take place? 5) Who is the first character in the story? 6) How does the story end? 7) How does the story describe the appearance of the protagonist? 8) Using the facts you read in the story, describe the scene in which the story takes place.


1)用你自己的話說出故事裡講了些什麼。 2)故事一開始的時候,主人公的感覺是怎樣的? 3)故事結束的時候,主人公的感覺又是怎樣的? 4)說出故事裡的一個主要情節,講一講這事為什麼會發生?怎麼發生的? 5)解釋為什麼這個故事要用這個名字或標題。 6)將故事中一個主要的事件畫出來。 7)如果故事中有一幅插圖的話,寫出在插圖之前和之後發生的事情。


1) State in your own words what the story is about. 2) How did the protagonist feel at the beginning of the story? 3) How does the protagonist feel at the end of the story? 4) Name a major plot in the story and why it happened? How did it happen? 5) Explain why the story uses this name or title. 6) Draw a main event in the story. 7) If there is an illustration in the story, write what happened before and after the illustration.


1)設想故事中的事情如果發生在你身上,你會不會和故事裡面的人作出同樣的決 定,還是作不同的決定。寫一寫你可能會怎麼做。 2)舉出幾個你身邊的人的例子,他有故事裡同樣的問題,也可以是做過故事中同 樣事情的。 3)選出故事中的一個人物,如果他/她來到你的學校裡,會發生什麼事情? (看不 清字) 4)如果你可以去到那個主人公生活的地方,你會怎麼做? 5)如果那個主人公到你家來訪問,他/她會怎麼做? 6)如果你媽媽在那個故事裡面,她會怎麼做? 7)如果你要為故事裡面的人物做一頓飯,你會做什麼飯?為什麼? 8)如果你在街上遇到了故事裡的主人公,你會跟他/她談些什麼? 


1) Imagine if what happened in the story happened to you, would you make the same decision as the person in the story, or make a different decision. Write about what you might do. 2) Give a few examples of people around you who have the same problems in the story or who have done the same things in the story. 3) Pick a character in the story, what would happen if he/she came to your school? (illegible) 4) If you could go to the place where the protagonist lives, what would you do? 5) If the protagonist came to visit your house, what would he/she do? 6) If your mom was in that story, what would she do? 7) If you were to cook a meal for the characters in the story, what would it be? Why? 8) If you met the protagonist of the story on the street, what would you talk to him/her?


 1)故事的那一部分最有趣?最激動人心?或是最悲慘? 2)說出故事中哪件事情不可能發生在實際生活中。 3)故事中有些事情是真實的,有些只是某些人的看法。列出那些真實的事情。 4)把故事分成幾個部分,然後給每個部分加上小標題。 5)你會做出哪些故事中人物所做的事情呢? 6)找出故事中用的五個詞,每個詞的第一個字必鬚髮音相同。 7)找出故事中發生在室內或是戶外的兩件事。 8)列出至少五個故事中用到的複合詞/成語。 


 1) Which part of the story is the funniest? Most exciting? Or the most tragic? 2) Name an event in the story that could not have happened in real life. 3) Some things in the story are true, some are just the opinion of some people. List those real things. 4) Divide the story into sections and subtitle each section. 5) Which of the characters in the story would you do? 6) Find the five words used in the story, the first word of each word must be pronounced the same. 7) Find two events in the story that happened indoors or outdoors. 8) List at least five compound words/idioms used in the story. 


 1)從一個動物的角度重新寫這個故事。 2)用你的想像畫一幅故事的圖畫,然後加上故事中沒有的、你自己的新東西。 3)把故事中的主人公做成一張海報,一個木偶,或是給他畫一幅肖像。 4)為故事另外編一個結尾,跟作者的故事結尾要有所不同。 5)把這個故事寫成一首詩。 6)假裝你就是故事的主人公,寫一篇日記,記下你每天都在做什麼。 7)簡單地把故事重寫一遍,但是要把故事中的人物或事情改變一下。 8)給這個故事起五個新的名字或標題,必須能夠很好地表現故事的大意。 


 1) Rewrite the story from an animal's point of view. 2) Use your imagination to draw a picture of the story, then add something new about yourself that is not in the story. 3) Make the protagonist of the story a poster, a puppet, or a portrait of him. 4) Make up another ending for the story, different from the author's ending. 5) Write the story as a poem. 6) Pretend you are the protagonist of the story and keep a journal of what you do every day. 7) Simply rewrite the story, but change the characters or things in the story. 8) Give the story five new names or titles, which must be able to express the general idea of ​​the story well. 


1)故事的主人公是好人還是壞人?為什麼? 2)比較任何兩本你讀過的書,說出哪一本你想推薦給你的朋友讀?為什麼? 3)比較故事中的兩個人物,你認為哪一個更好?為什麼? 4)你最希望跟故事中的哪一個人物在一起待上一整天?為什麼? 5)這個故事值得你花時間去讀嗎?為什麼? 6)如果有機會的話,你願意到故事發生的那個地方去嗎?為什麼? 7)你願意請故事中的哪個人物共進晚餐?為什麼? 8)這個故事真的會發生嗎?為什麼?


1) Is the protagonist of the story a good guy or a bad guy? Why? 2) Compare any two books you have read and say which one would you recommend to your friends? Why? 3) Compare the two characters in the story, which one do you think is better? Why? 4) Which character in the story would you most like to spend a whole day with? Why? 5) Is this story worth your time to read? Why? 6) If you have the opportunity, would you like to go to the place where the story takes place? Why? 7) Which character in the story would you like to have dinner with? Why? 8) Will this story really happen? Why?


Questions to Promote Rigorous Thinking

1. What do you need to do next? 2. How did you do that? 3. How does this match what you thought you knew? 4. How did you come to that conclusion? 5. How did you know it was right? 6. Can you tell me more? 7. What else do you see?


多元智能活動設計MI Book Report


 • 從書中選擇一個主要人物。專注於書中的關鍵時刻,並創建一個角色會寫的日記。

 • 為這本書的電影版組建演員陣容。想像一下導演——製片人想要一位選角導演提出建議。決定誰是演員。包括明星的照片和描述,並說明為什麼每一個都非常適合這個角色。

 • 寫詩集,展示小說的不同方面;人物、場景、情節、高潮、主題…… 

• 寫一篇關於你書中重要事件的報紙文章。

• 寫下小說的下一章。 


 • Choose a major character from the book. Focus in on a crucial time in the book and create a diary that the character would have written.

 • Put together a cast for the film version of the book. Imagine the director –producer wants a casting director to make recommendations. Decide who would be the actors and actresses. Include photos and descriptions of the stars and tell why each is perfect for the part.

 • Write a collection of poems that show different aspects of the novel; the characters, the setting, the plot, the climax, the theme….. 

• Write a newspaper article about an important event from your book.

 • Write the next chapter in the novel. 



• 在你的小說中製作一個真人大小的紙填充人物。 

• 從你讀過的小說中畫出一個比例模型。 

• 製作故事背景的地形圖。 

• 根據你的小說建造一座建築。 

• 表演你讀過的小說中的一個場景。 

• 編排展示主題、角色發展或您閱讀的書中的場景的舞蹈。 

• 設計並製作描繪您的小說的被子/壁掛。


• Make a life-sized paper-stuffed person found in your novel. 

• Draw a scale model of something from the novel you read. 

• Build a relief map of the setting of the story. 

• Construct a building from your novel. 

• Act pit a scene from the novel you read. 

• Choreograph a dance that shows the theme, the development of character, or a scene from the book you read. 

• Design and make a quilt/wall hanging that depicts your novel.


• 從你讀過的故事中選擇一輛汽車。盡可能多地了解汽車,尤其是發動機的工作原理。 

• 創建故事中的人物可以用來交流的代碼。

• 根據書中發生的事情開發邏輯謎題或腦筋急轉彎。

• 根據您閱讀的書製作一個策略遊戲。

• 創建顯示主要參與者的流程圖/概念圖。

• 寫出描述故事中人物的方程式。


• Choose an automobile from the story you read. Find out as much as you can about the car, especially how the engine works. 

• Create a code that characters in the story could use to communicate.

• Develop a logic puzzle or brain teaser based on something that happened in the book.

• Make up a strategy game based on the book you read.

• Create a flowchart/concept map that shows the major players.

• Write equations that describe the characters in the story.



• 將角色的發展與您自己的生活史聯繫起來。這可以通過書寫、繪畫或其他方式來完成。

 • 將您可能擁有的愛好或興趣與您閱讀的小說聯繫起來。

 • 創建一個“展示”你對這本書的感受的項目。


• Relate a character’s development to your own life history. This can be done through writing, drawing, or other means.

 • Relate a hobby or interest that you might have to the novel you read.

 • Create a project that “shows” your feelings about the book.



 • 為您的書寫一首說唱或歌曲。

 • 創建一個代表這本書的唱片:背景、人物、衝突、情節、高潮、主題。

 • 角色會演奏什麼樂器?他們會聽什麼類型的音樂?

 • 局外人:看電影。如果把它改成音樂劇是你的工作,故事中的哪個地方適合唱歌?誰會唱歌,這首歌是關於什麼的?


 • Write a rap or a song about your book.

 • Create a discography that represents the book: the setting, the characters, the conflict, the plot, the climax, the theme.

 • What musical instruments would the characters play? What type of music would they listen to?

 • The Outsiders: watch the movie. If it were your job to change it to a musical, where in the story would sing be appropriate? Who would sing and what would the song be about?


 • 找一個舒適的地方,在你的書中塗鴉。反思你的塗鴉,看看他們講述了你讀過的小說的什麼故事。通過小型展覽報告您的發現。

 • 使用相機或攝像機製作書籍拼貼畫。

 • 哪些幾何圖形描述了書中的人物?創造一些視覺效果來代表這些想法。字符代表什麼顏色?創建一個展示人物顏色的展覽。 


 • Find a comfortable place and doodle in your book. Reflect on your doodles and see what story they tell about the novel you read. Report on your findings with a mini-exhibition.

 • Use a camera or camcorder to create a collage of the book.

 • Which geometric figures describe the characters in the book? Create something visual to represent these ideas. What colors do the characters represent? Create an exhibition which shows the colors of the characters. 



• 找一位演講嘉賓,不要與全班討論您閱讀的書中的主題地址。

 • 為小說中的人物策劃一場派對。你需要請柬、裝飾品、美食音樂等。

 • 調解書中兩個人物之間的問題。你的建議是什麼?

 • 將您的一位朋友介紹給書中的一個人物。您的朋友會喜歡哪些角色?為什麼?


• Find a guest speaker t talk to the class about a topic addresses in the book you read.

 • Plan a party for a character in the novel. You need invitations, decorations, food music, etc.

 • Mediate a problem between two characters in the book. What would your advice be?

 • Introduce one of your friends to one of the characters in the book. With which characters would your friends be comfortable? Why?




