


你貪圖方便所用過的一些塑膠吸管最後也許會流到海洋和卡在海龜的鼻子裡。Some of / your convenient / in the ocean / and in a turtle’s nose. / may end up / plastic straws

為了拯救我們的海洋,或許我們應該少用一些塑膠吸管。Perhaps / we should / plastic straws / our ocean. / use fewer / to save

如果我們現在不採取行動,到了 2050 年,海洋裡的塑膠將會比魚還多。If we don’t / take action now, / there will be / in the ocean / than fish. / by the year 2050, / more plastic

做得好,雖然你還在拿塑膠袋裝飲料。That’s good / you’re still / in a plastic bag.
/ though / carrying your drink

世界上大部分的塑膠製品要花很長的時間才會分解。Most of / the plastic / to break down. / in the world / takes a long time

更糟糕的是,它對許多海洋動物有害。Even worse, / for / the sea animals. / it’s bad / many of

此外,海龜無法分辨塑膠袋和水母,所以牠們時常把塑膠袋當成食物。What’s more, / tell plastic bags / from jellyfish, / eat the bags as food. / turtles can’t / so they often


I am writing / to stop using / plastic tableware. / this letter / to ask you

Many of / love eating / at Pancake House. / and I / my friends
However, / there are / straws, knives, and forks / for us to use, / for our environment. / only disposable plastic / and those are very bad
你們能不再使用塑膠餐具而是選擇金屬餐具來協助我們拯救地球嗎?Would you please / help us save / by no longer / and choosing metal tableware instead?  / using plastic tableware / the Earth
如果你們這麼做,我們將會更愛你們的餐廳並且邀請我們所有的朋友更常去那裡。If you do so, / we will love / even more / and invite / to go there more often. / all our friends / your restaurant


你當時獨自一人嗎?Were / that moment? / you / at / by yourself 

我自己從未經歷過地震。I / myself. / never / an earthquake / experienced 

當我正坐在餐桌吃早餐時,我感覺到地板在搖晃。I felt / the floor / I was / the table  / shaking when / sitting at / for breakfast.

地板不只前後搖晃還上下震動。The floor / back and forth / up and down. / not only / but also / was shaking 

然後所有的燈都熄滅了,我們聽到有人在外面喊叫。Then all / shouting outside. / went out, / heard someone / the lights / and we 

更糟糕的是,我們看到有些盤子從架子上掉下來。Even worse, / the shelves. / some dishes / we saw / fall off 

哎呀,那聽起來就像是電影情節。Man, / sounds like  / from a movie. / a scene / that 


你感受過腳下的地面突然地搖晃嗎?Do you / the ground / suddenly under / feel / shaking / your feet? 
事實上,每天約有五十萬個地震晃動地球。In fact, / around five hundred / every day. / the Earth / thousand earthquakes / rock 
實際上,它是由許多碎片或板塊組成。Actually, / or plates, / make  / many pieces, / it up.
這些板塊不僅移動,還彼此摩擦及推擠。These plates / move / rub against / and push into / not only / but also / each other. 
那是因為它們規模太小,而且發生在很深的地底或海底。That is / they are / too small / in the ground / under the sea. / because / or / and deep 
地震不是鬧著玩的,因為它們可能會非常危險。Earthquakes are / they can  / very dangerous. / because / be / no joke 


它(派對)就快到了,而我們需要讓它完美。It’s / and we  / make it  / coming up, / need to / perfect.
我們必須努力練習,否則我們將不能在大家面前跳得很好。We / have to / or we   / dance well / in front  / practice hard, / able to / of everybody. / won’t be
記得在我們的舞蹈結束時要大聲地且開心地喊「八年五班」。 shout “Class 805” / at the end / Remember to / loudly and happily / of our dance. 
當你跳舞時,移動得再緩慢一點並輕柔地踮起你的腳尖旋轉。When    / more slowly  / your toes / gently. / you dance, / and turn on / move
你單腳跳躍得也太快。You  / hopped  / also / fast. / too 
現在,你舞跳得比我好多了。Now, / better   / you’re dancing / than me. / much 
實際上,你舞跳得最美。Actually, / dance  / beautifully. / you / most


昨天,所有八年級的學生都去露營了。Yesterday, / the students  / a camping trip. / all / grade / went on / in the eighth 
我們早上抵達營地並且迅速地搭了帳篷。We / the campsite / morning and / arrived at / set up / in the / camp quickly. 
為了贏得比賽,我們盡可能地努力嘗試拼出許多英文字。To win / the game, / hard / English words  / we tried / to spell / as many / as possible.
Nick 比其他每個人笑得更瘋狂且唱得更大聲。Nick laughed / than / more crazily / more loudly / everyone else. / and sang 
最後,我們的表演沒有獲得第一名,但是我們玩得很開心。In the end, / our show  / but we / had a / come in first, / great time. / did not 
多麼美好的夜晚啊!/ a / night (it is) ! / wonderful / What 


你覺得這間餐廳如何?How / this restaurant? / do you / feel about 

It looks / its green / make me / healthy meals. / brighter, and / and white walls / think of 

那聽起來不錯。  good. / That / sounds 

我們可以點任何東西且不必擔心增加體重。We can / have to / worry about order anything / and don’t / putting on weight.

Wow! / cute pandas. / looks like / Your rice  
How / taste? / tastes / does it Yum. It / delicious.

You should / it will / soon, dig in / or / get cold.


有些人去一家餐廳用餐,可能是因為它的食物嘗起來很棒。Some people 
/ its food / a restaurant / may go to / tastes great. / because  
另一些人去那裡用餐,可能是因為那裡看起來像是個好地方。Other people / because / like / may go there / it looks / a nice place.
黃色使人們感到快樂,而紅色邀請人們進來店裡。Yellow  / and red   
/ makes people invites people / feel  happy, / into the stores.
此外,當人們看到這兩種顏色時,他們會變得飢餓而也許會入內用餐。Besides, / see / these two colors, / become hungry  / for a bite. / when people / they will / and probably / go in
對多數人來說,這顏色代表大自然,那讓他們在用餐時感到更舒適。For / the color / nature, and / that makes them  / when they have  / most people, / stands for / feel more comfortabletheir meals.
在餐廳生意上,顏色真地有關係。In / business, / really / the restaurant / colors / matter. 


當我正在尋找照片時,我發現了某樣東西。I found / I was  / the photos. / something / when /  looking for

我過去經常用它錄下你爸爸的歌聲。I used to / your dad’s / on it. / singing / record

按下去把錄音帶拿出來。Push / pull / the tape  / and / it / out.

這一定是你公寓裡最老舊的機器。This / the oldest / your apartment. / machine in / must be

你在開玩笑嗎?那麼哪一個是最老舊的呢?Are you  / Then / is / which one / the oldest? / joking?

對我來說,錄有你爸爸聲音的那個錄音帶才是全部當中最有價值的。To me, / is / valuable / of all. / the most / the tape / your dad’s voice / with 


她現在沒有在工作了,但是她過去經常協助 Nick 的爺爺拍很多照片。She doesn’t  / but she / help Nick’s grandpa / take / photos. / a lot of / used to / work anymore,

她是三位當中最聰明的。She is  / the three. / of / the smartest

令人遺憾地,她現在沒有在工作了。work / Sadly, / anymore. / she doesn’t

他是三位當中體型最大和最重的。He is / and heaviest / the three. / the largest / of 

他負責清洗全家人的髒衣服。He takes / clothes for  / the dirty / care of / the family.

我們也許很老舊,但我們對我們的家人意義非凡。We / we mean  / may be / a lot / old, but / to our family.


它和那件夾克一樣時尚。It’s / fashionable / the jacket. / as / as 

這件大衣比夾克輕,但比較貴。The coat / the jacket. / lighter  / more expensive / than /  is / but

等一下!你不是已經有許多夾克了嗎?Wait! / Don’t / already  / jackets?/ you / have / a lot of 

我有啊,但我這一季必須買一件新的夾克。 but I  / get / this season. / have to / a new one / I do, 

款式每一季都在改變,而這件夾克的款式現在正流行。Styles change  / and / the style  / this jacket  / fashion now. / every season, / of / is in

你穿幾號?我穿中號。What size / you   / a medium. / do / wear?/ I wear

我同意。我也覺得穿上它比穿那件大衣來得舒服。I agree. / I also / in it / the coat. / more comfortable / feel / than


有更多衣服供人們選擇,而衣服也不像過去那樣昂貴。There are / for people / to choose from, / and clothes  / as expensive as / in the past. / more clothes / are also not / they were

那個數字在 2011 年卻增加到五個,而且那個數字每年持續增加。That number  / to five   / and it  /  growing and growing / in 2011, / went up / just keeps / every year. 

結果,人們在 2014 年購買的衣服比 2000 年多了百分之六十。As a result, / people bought    / than they did  / 60% / in 2014 / more clothes / in 2000.

當人們購買更多衣服時,時裝公司將製作和販售更多衣服。When people  / more clothes, / will make / more clothes. / fashion companies / buy /  and sell 

那會讓地球付出很高的代價,只是為了讓我們有更多時尚的衣服可以穿。That is / for the Earth / just for us / more fashionable clothes. / a high price / to pay  / to wear 

時尚也許可以速成,但解決這些問題卻無法如此。Fashion / fast, / but fixing  / may be / these problems / is not.




