
目前顯示的是 8月, 2021的文章

David Goes to School.

  What is a good classroom? 1. Be respectful. 尊重。 2. Be responsible. 負責。 3. Be kind. 友善。 4. Best teamwork. 最佳合作精神。 Classroom Rules 1. Listen when someone is speaking. 聆聽他人發言。(尊重,聆聽) 2. Raise your hand to speak. 舉手發言。(尊重) 3. Follow directions quickly. 迅速遵守指導。(負責、認真、專注) 4. Be a caring friend. 友愛關懷。(尊重、體貼他人、熱心助人) 5. Always on your best work! 總是做好自己的工作! (負責、認真學習、合作學習) https://caroline-efl.blogspot.com/2018/08/david-goes-to-school.html https://caroline-efl.blogspot.com/2016/02/classroom-rules-behavior-bingo-ideal.html